How to lock or unlock the taskbar in Windows 10
This article shows you how to lock or unlock the taskbar in Windows 10. The taskbar contains the Start button, a list of running tasks and a notification area.
Windows 10, Microsoft news, device reviews, registry and tweaks
List of screen resolutions and aspect ratios
This article provides a list of screen resolutions, screen aspect ratios, number of pixels and letter designations for different screen resolutions.
Windows 10, Microsoft news, device reviews, registry and tweaks
How to enable or disable Hyper-V in Windows 10
Hyper-V allows you to run multiple operating systems as virtual machines in Windows. The Hyper-V component can be enabled or disabled in several ways
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How to add “Hyper-V Manager” to the Windows 10 Control Panel
Whether you’re a software developer, an IT professional or a technology enthusiast, many of you have multiple operating systems to work with.
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How to download classic games from Windows 7 to Windows 10 and 11
Since Windows 8, for some unknown reason Microsoft developers have removed the classic games from the operating system that came with Windows 7. They’
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Windows 10 Security Guide for Beginners
Windows Security is a built-in Windows 10 service that offers a user-friendly interface and tools for managing common operating system security features.
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How to open and use the Windows character table (charmap.exe)
If you need to use symbols and characters that are not on the keyboard, you can use the Windows symbol table. Character table is a built-in utility for
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How to enable a dark theme in Windows 10
The default design theme in Windows 10 is light by default. However, a dark theme (mode) is also available, which can be enabled in the Windows Settings
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