All keyboard shortcuts in Calculator – Windows 10
Windows 10 has the Calculator application installed by default, but few people know how modern and useful this application has become. The program that
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How to enable mono audio in Windows 10
Mono Audio is a special Windows 10 feature that is implemented at the system level. This feature will be useful for users who have some problems when playing
Windows 10, Microsoft news, device reviews, registry and tweaks
How to run program or command as administrator from Command Line
The Run dialog box is a convenient way to launch programs, open folders, open documents, and execute some command line commands. You can also use the Run
Windows 10, Microsoft news, device reviews, registry and tweaks
Deleting text under shortcut or file icon
Right-click on the icon and click Rename, or highlight the icon and press F2. While holding down the Alt key, type the digits 2 5 5 on the NumLock numeric
Windows 10, Microsoft news, device reviews, registry and tweaks
How to open RUN window in Windows 10
The Run dialog box is a useful tool that can be used to launch any program located in the %systemroot% and %systemroot%\\\system32 directories by simply
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How to check the WDDM version
Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) is a graphics driver architecture for graphics cards running Microsoft Windows, starting with Windows Vista.
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POWERCFG Command Prompt Parameters
The POWERCFG command prompt utility is designed to control power settings at the Windows command line in accordance with the ACPI specification.
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How to check Windows Experience Index in Windows 10 and 11
The Windows Experience Index (WEI) first appeared back in Windows Vista, to evaluate the relative performance of a system. The WEI is determined using
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List of Windows environment variables
Environment variables are necessary for specifying absolute paths to folders and are often used in batch (command) files. For example, if you do not know
Windows 10, Microsoft news, device reviews, registry and tweaks
Keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Edge browser
Microsoft Edge is a new browser from Microsoft Corporation. It is the default browser in Windows 10, and will only be available in the new version of the
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