How to Change the Background Color in Windows Photo Viewer

Windows Registry

In this article, you’ll find the steps to change the background color in Windows Photo Viewer.

Note that Windows Photo Viewer is not included in Windows 10, as the Microsoft Photos app now handles image viewing.

If you’re using the universal Photos app, you can change the background color by switching between light and dark themes.

Windows Photo Viewer is a built-in image viewer for Windows 8.1 and earlier operating systems. If you upgraded to Windows 10 from one of those systems, the program might still be on your computer. However, if Windows 10 was installed from scratch, the viewer is unavailable by default, though you can restore it.

By default, the background color in Windows Photo Viewer has a bluish tint (color code #eef3fa), but you can change it to any color you like.

Before making changes, it’s recommended to create a system restore point or export the registry key that will be modified.

To change the background color of the Photo Viewer, press Win + R, type regedit in the Run window, and press Enter ↵.

In the Registry Editor window, navigate to the following key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Photo Viewer\Viewer

Once you have navigated to the Viewer section, right-click on the right side of the window and select New > DWORD (32 bit) Value from the context menu that appears.

Assign the created parameter the name BackgroundColor, double-click on it with the left mouse button and in the opened window Edit DWORD (32-bit) Value enter the color value in hexadecimal format, adding ff characters before the value and click OK. For example, to set the background color to pink, enter the value:


To apply the changes, close and reopen Windows Photo Viewer.

The result of the performed actions is shown in the screenshot below.

The tables below show the values of the main colors used in Windows 10, copy the code and paste it into the registry editor.

ffffb900 ffe74856 ff0078d7 ff0099bc ff7a7574 ff767676
ffff8c00 ffe81123 ff0063b1 ff2d7d9a ff5d5a58 ff4c4a48
fff7630c ffea005e ff8e8cd8 ff00b7c3 ff68768a ff69797e
ffca5010 ffc30052 ff6b69d6 ff038387 ff515c6b ff4a5459
ffda3b01 ffe3008c ff8764b8 ff00b294 ff567c73 ff647c64
ffef6950 ffbf0077 ff744da9 ff018574 ff486860 ff525e54
ffd13438 ffc239b3 ffb146c2 ff00cc6a ff498205 ff847545
ffff4343 ff9a0089 ff881798 ff10893e ff107c10 ff7e735f
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